[A-PvE] <Acceptable Losses> Raid / M+

Guild: Acceptable Losses

Faction: Alliance
Server: Wyrmrest Accord

Raid Times: 7:30 - 9:30 PM PST Thursday & Friday

Focus: Mythic/Heroic Raiding, Mythic+, and filthy casual PVP
Goals: Early AOTCs and into Mythic progression the week it goes live each raid tier
Core Values: Community, culture, & player development

We are searching for social, casual-competitive gamers with a desire to have fun, crush content, and who have the patience for Mythic progression in a low-key environment.

Btag Contacts:
Please add them. I am just the messenger. I don’t know what’s going on with the roster.

Current Progression
10/10 N
10/10 H
4/10 M


Reserving for our Shadowlands (and previous boss kills if we can find pics, all we have are videos) screenshots!

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Nyooooooom, now a message from our mascot; muppet arms


Are there any particular roles/classes/specs you folks are in need of?

At the moment, anything is okay. We foster a “play what you want” mentality while still getting progression. We encourage alts too, so if there is ever a time we have too many of something (which shouldn’t be too detrimental, as even World First raiders had a butt load of priests during the 2-boss raid in BFA) people can swap around as needed. As long as you enjoy what you are playing, that is all that matters. Whether it be for raiding or M+.

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We are currently in the market for another tank and dps (pref. ranged). However, as Willowy stated, we are more in the market for the player rather than the toons.

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Man and here I thought most of us wanted to tank. What happened to pally power activate lol. We should have a sheet of everyone’s mains, alts, and third alts. But we definitely lack rogues and warriors in particular.

I will say if you play SWTOR and FFXIV many of us play those games as well. Even have section for SWTOR raiding. Of course the focus is WoW, but if you need pals to help you then we got you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and not to mention I’m an omnicrafter in FFXIV on Crystal if you need help too. So we welcome many gamers.

Willowy are y’all’s raid times set in stone going into SL?

Yep! And we will have a heroic alt night so when we get there separate from the 2 nights as to maximize mythic prog and alt gearing.

Whatever you’re passionate for and love to play, we only ask that you play your best. So come hang out \o

vroom vroom i’m in me mum’s car

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Incredible community, 100% recommend.

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Nyooooooomm we are still looking for them cool gamers

Howdy Willowy,

Are y’all accepting filthy casual players who are interested in Mythic+ And Casual PvP but maybe not so much raiding? Wife and I have been searching for a laid back PvE focused guild for a while :slight_smile:

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For sure! A few of our dedicated friends and family can’t make it for raid and are only interested in M+, so you’d fit right in regardless, especially as a pair.

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Awesome, I’ll be sending ya a PM when I’m on this evening!

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Sure! Though I’d suggest adding these two battletags for more info/invite. I am just the messenger :slight_smile:

Boxcarballs#1298 & BobbyBamboo#1182

But I can be online when you want me to be. I am just obsessed with 3D modelling right now so I may be distracted.

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As the resident demonology warlock one-trick, let it be known that at the end of the day, it’s more about bringing the person that can understand mechanics rather than strict output and the like.
And as stated above, we’re not all about exclusively raiding and the like, there’s plenty of room to just kinda vibe around and take the game at your own pace.


And we cherish every moment with you. <3