Why thank.
In regards to the actual topic in here, y’know, recruitment thing, just wanted to add on that we are more than willing to help newer folks to the game get a better grasp on the game in whatever way that we can.
Sure, going to have the main team trying to push the most that we can, but by no means just gonna ignore everyone else not on that team. After all, everyone has to start somewhere. Shoutouts to me back in Cata using stamina gems with the mindset of “well if it takes longer for me to die, it’ll let me do more damage”. Dark times.
King MechaTeddy approves of this Guild.
So close to Shadowlands!
We are going to try a half hour later than the scheduled times for the raid, so I will update the OP and note that we are still looking f or full time tanks! Atm we have people offering but nothing too concrete. So if you really want to tank, and know you can make these times and do so every week (and if you can’t, make sure we know) then we want you!
Hello, I also sent an in-game mail, but in case you see this first. I’d possibly be interested in the tank position (Or Melee DPS if you’ve filled the tank), since your raid hours are absolutely perfect for me.
The only 2 Caveats right now though are that I don’t have too much BrM experience, thought I’ve raid tanked on other classes and in other games. And that I’m still a little undergeared, and more geared for WW at the moment. However I’m pretty sure I can gear up quickly for BrM in time for raiding.
I’m finishing up some stuff for school over the next few days, so I’ll be on an off, but after Monday I should be around more regularly.
Sounds good! We have three tank candidates and will be seeing how we all vibe so having a 4th for raiding that can swap as DPS is definitely doable, especially if you are interested in Mythic+. We are gearing our alts and leveling more so we are putting together more dungeon runs for this week before we go hard in M+ and hopefully can get you that gear I will pass on the message! If you see anyone named Stormcro and Cranky (anything after Cranky) feel free to toss them a message.
So we’ve got some possible tanks! But we won’t know what’s going on until we jump in this weekend. However, we are jumping right into the M+ train and almost hit a +10 until a wall was met today. We will break that wall in half. We cannot be contained.
Also hello gamers.
EZCLAP! Next week we’ll probably do a lil bit of normal again, but more than likely head into heroic. Oh and for those curious: yes, the Memories that drop off the bosses are guaranteed even on Normal. So you just need the boss once.
Did an off-night of heroic to dip our toes, and ended up 2/10 H and are progressing on Devourer next raid nights, with some normal scheduled for off-days
Progressing on Artificer now! Come join the teleport crew and stepping in all the traps.
Heck yeah, we did it! Not only did we down Artificer, but Kael’thas too. Onto… Inerva I think? Yeah. Hopefully. We are loaded on melee, but would love some ranged! #druidgang
We are in need of healers for off nights/fun runs of normal as we progress into heroic :> so if you need to gear up a healer and then progress into heroic, we’re your team! Just not doing much for Christmas so this week is sporadic.
We definitely need healers now as the raid has grown and roster has changed.
Hey there! This group seems like it could be up my alley. I’ve seen you’re posting about healers of late – still open to other applicants on your raid team? The raid times look ideal for me, and the “low-key environment” mixed with patience and desire to improve as a group is music to my ears. I’m maining this DK currently but willing to play whatever’s needed if it’s the right group.
I actually am leveling up a resto druid at the moment, but full disclosure, I’ve simply never healed before in any kind of serious content so there would be a bit of a learning curve. I feel I’m a solid player capable of learning, however. That said, if you’re looking specifically for healers ready to come in and help straightaway, I don’t want to falsely advertise myself.
We just cleared Council and Inerva, two progression bosses after 2 week vacation so if you want to heal, by all means! We just have a lot of druids so the gear competition would be super real with this scarcity.
Oh, I’m not married to Resto at all, just trying to be helpful if that’s what was needed. I’m pretty open on spec/role, I’ve got a lot of classes in the 50-60 range.
8/10 H as of two days ago fine tuning our roster, so if you want to join to be social before making any commitments then we do a ton of M+ in the mean time!
9/10 H vroom vroom! Need more warm bodies for our journey into mythic. Preferably dps! We had 26 people but irl got in the way and we are at 16/17. So… soon!
We are looking for more DPS so we can head into Mythic! If you main it, you can play it. We really have no exact preference for what we’re missing. We do have a lot of warlocks and druids in general, but I don’t see why we can’t have more. Can always use more of anything. We are just skirting on 3-4 more people that can make it every week. We unfortunately have a few that can’t make it every raid night despite having 26+ the first few weeks. But if we cannot make it into mythic, we are at least gunning for AotC this week so come on down :>
1/10 Mythic! Gonna’ gun for AotC tomorrow.