- Alliance
Semi-core (17/17 and 3D On Farm) + Undying
Raid Times:
Tuesday - 1030 pm to 130 pm Server Time
Thursday - 1030 pm to 130 pm Server Time
About us:
We are a semi-core guild composed of in game friends that prioritize having fun and progression within the guild. We stay open minded and work towards helping each other with maximizing goals and performance.
2 SR then MS>OS until we have a full 25m core raid roster then we will move to a loot council.
10man content = MS>OS
25man content = 2SR then MS>OS
- Raid Gear Ready + Bring Consumes
- Communication
- Willingness to improve and learn
Recruiting Info:
Looking for players aiming to tackle all content including achievement fights as well as heroic content in the future.
Currently looking fill all roles