Who We Are:
- We are adults that love Classic WoW.
- We are an organized-fun-classy group of individuals.
- We think our compass tabard is neat.
- We appreciate a good sense of humor.
What We Expect From Raiders:
- Good attendance, contact leadership if there is an issue.
- Willingness to learn, none of us are perfect and what is best is still being discussed 15 years later.
- Positivity and Friendliness
- Patience and Transparency
Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
6:45 PMEST to 11:00 PMEST
EST is Server Time it is also Eastern Time.
Individual Progress:
This guild is new, the players in it are not. Everyone in the guild has full cleared current content in phase two. In creating Pursuit we strive to better ourselves and better our team. We think of our team as family.
1/1 Onyxia’s Lair
10/10 Molten Core
Currently Recruiting:
All Healers
Tank enthusiasts. Main Tank and Off Tank slots have been filled, but, we could always use more in the guild.
Contact Information:
GM/Recruiter: Shade#1546 bnet, or Amerath#1183 discord
Come join us!! 10/10 MC and 1/1 Ony BUT… with a sense of humor!!!
Spots currently open for every class.
Good core of skilled and fun minded players with a serious side when it’s required.
Super Friendly environment and always having a good time.
Amazing place to be. Friendly helpful Group of people
How are you 10/10 and 1/1 if you are wiping 8 times on baron?
Ignite mana, how does it work?
Metal, Kona, and Canes - we did not wipe on Baron Geddon. I actually don’t think we wiped on any boss. We wiped on trash once or twice though.
classic. warcraftlogs . com /reports/12tRqQjxvaV3h6Gm/#fight=last&type=damage-done
If anyone is curious to see how we do our fights please feel free to read our logs this week. It’s mostly a pug run right now but in the future it should look a little better.
We have a Baron Geddon wipe because of a trash miss-pull.
Joined the day it was created. I’ve seen a few things…
– Leadership helps everyone in guild no matter level or class - gear, mats and even gold at times.
– I’ve also seen them mentor people who may be struggling with their class or may just have questions. They care and want to help in any way they can.
– Raiding with them has been great. Raid lead knows his stuff and bosses get killed. Wiping is a part of raiding no matter how “leet” you are. Every guild starts out somewhere.
– Guild structure is improving daily. Ideas and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged from guild mates. Everyone wants the guild to run smoothly and so far, so good
So yeah, I joined them when they were new and I haven’t looked back. Looking forward to what we accomplish as a guild and a raid team.
“So you’ve made enemies in life? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life”
~Winston Churchill
We don’t tolerate bullying or drama in this guild. If you feel called out and you’re on this forum, maybe you should re-evaluate your lives. Pursuit is dedicated to moving forward as a guild and as players. As such, the past is nothing more than an opportunity to learn.
We care for the wellbeing of our guild mates and even our old friends. Please, be respectful.
Thank you for your comments, Sayonarah. Our goal has always been to have fun in the game with friends and to be positive and courteous. We remain focused on this as we work hard to build our new guild and the raid group.
Right now we’re pugging, but still making progress, and although we wipe now and then (which happens from time to time in any guild), at least we’re in an environment free of the toxicity and bad blood that some players like to spread in other guilds. Maybe they should just have a little class, move on and try to have a good time in the game…
It’s nice that we can laugh at our mistakes, move past them and still have a good time. I also look forward to the fun ahead and to what we will accomplish together as a team, and we welcome like-minded people who are looking for a guild family to join us!
Anyone interested in joining us can feel free to message myself (Bratty#3940 on Discord) or our guild leader, Okamin (Shade#1546 on Bnet or Amerath#1183 on Discord) for more information or a guild invite!
so your pugs are 10/10 and not the guild pursuit itself. By your logic i can run wiht a pug just myself and say hey my Guild is 10/10. I am just saying don’t calim to be 10/10 unless you can prove it per logs with a full GUILD run.
As I said, we are trying to be positive and have a good time. You have a right to your opinion and you have expressed it. I wish you the best and hope you have fun in the game.
so your pugs are 10/10 and not the guild pursuit itself. By your logic i can run wiht a pug just myself and say hey my Guild is 10/10. I am just saying don’t calim to be 10/10 unless you can prove it per logs with a full GUILD run.
In the advertisement, I tried to make it clear that the experience of the players in the guild is 10/10 and 1/1. I can see what you are saying though and I accept that criticism. The possibility of a full clear is soon as of tonight and I do apologize for any confusion.
We are a guild that has been around for a little under a week at this point. I felt that I made that clear in the opening post but maybe it was a bit vague.
Also, when we were with OKT we frequently advertised at 10/10 and 1/1 even though we were pugging half of our raids. I feel that it’s reasonable to advertise in this way.
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Great experience with Pursuit so far. Amazing leadership. Actually helps all members of guild when/if they have the time. Constantly looks to bring other members into runs to make sure we’re getting our Pre-bis and patterns.
Leadership and members are experienced in Classic/Vanilla. They know their classes and help mentor others.
They might be new, but they are striving to be great and achieving it.
10/10 would highly recommend.
Why thank you! I consider that the highest compliment! Potatoes are tasty, smooth and creamy, and get along with so many condiments that they could really be considered the best kind of team player! lol
Potatoes are also vodka in the afterlife. All good stuff
Also have had a great experience with and would recommend. There are a lot of caring and fun people that are active players and help out whenever they can. It really is a guild family, and people actually enjoy coming together as a team.
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Hey future raiders! I’ve known the people in this guild for many years, and we’ve raided together for just as long. It’s a fun loving group that knows how to get down to business when needed. This guild is run by a few amazing people that really care for the group.