[A-Proudmoore] <Uncommon Sense> 8/9m

Uppity up.

Update. Still looking for a few healers and also some DOT dps.

Happy Tuesday! Still looking for a few ranged dps especially S Priest as well as a few more healers!

Bump to the top

Drest Down!

Happy Friday!

Bumpity bump.

Happy Tuesday!

Bump to the top!

Definitely need some more ranged!

Bump for Ranged DPS

Uppity up.

Looking for a few ranged dps. Mostly Elemental Shaman, Warlock and Shadow Priests.

Still in the market for Ele Shaman, a few Locks and a Ret pally. We encourage all other DPS/Heals to apply especially with the summer coming up.

Looking for Ranged DPS especially Ele shaman, Warlocks and could use a Ret Pally and DK.

Still looking for an Ele Shaman, Lock for ranged and a Ret and or DK for melee dps.

Happy Monday! We are still looking for an Ele Shaman, Warlock, Ret Pally and DK.

If you are a class not listed please feel free to apply anyway.

Uppity up.

Bumpity bump.

Friday Bump