[A-Proudmoore] <Uncommon Sense> 8/9m

Hope everybody had a good weekend. We are still in need of a few healers. R Shaman and H Pally are high but we will look at all classes and specs.

It is currently 6:18 PM EST.

Happy Reset Day! We are still looking for a few more healers. Mostly R Shamn and H Pally but will look at any other healer class.

It is also 8:43am

Look at the time, it must be 10:22 AM!

Bump for more healers and dps

We are still looking for R Shaman and H Pallys.
We are also looking for a few more ranged dps and possibly a Melee with a tank off spec.

LF a Guild I am a mistweaver Monk currently AOTC Nyalotha, Previous tier I was 6/8EP

Bumpity bump.

Uppity up.

Shad down, time to work on Xanesh.

We are still looking for healers especially Holy Paladins but any class can apply!

WTB a solid holy paladin.

Bumpity bump.

Its Monday and we are still looking for a Holy Pally and a Resto Shaman to round out our healing core.

We are also looking for a few more DPS!

Hump day! still looking for healers especially a H Pally!

Bump for 6/12!
Still looking for a Holy Paladin.

Vexiona dead.

Bumpity bump.

Uppity up.

Bumpity bump.