heroic/CE experience from TBC to BFA, mostly with the same guild on Zul’jin (US). due to some unforseen guild drama due to progression on mythic azshara the guild has fractured leaving me for the first time since tbc with out a guild to call home for raiding. I created all new toons on Proudmoore to play with some friends as well as swapped to Alliance from Horde. Looking for a semi-hardcore CE focused guild with a spot for a fire/frost mage. discord tasenshadsen#7080 bnet dsmcub@1136
Hey Deviouz, my guild is on Sargeras and alliance, we currently are in high need of a mage. I can send you more info if youre interested?
I wasnt able to add your discord.
Hello there! The Blank is a newly formed guild looking to form a Mythic raid team focused on getting Cutting Edge in every tier moving forward. We are a group of players coming back to the game that all have similar end game experience dating back to WotLK, and want to get back to that point and further moving forward. We are generally very laid back and love to make jokes at each others expense, however when we hit a raid setting we expect it to be more formal during progression with minimal distractions. Raid atmosphere is very important to us, so finding like minded individuals is key as we form our roster.
We expect every raider to be capable of pushing 80th percentile or better on parses consistently. Failure to do so will result in benching and/or replacement. We strongly believe in a “you have to earn your spot” mentality, even after you make the core raid team.
Current recruiting needs:
Resto Druid, Disc Priest, Holy Paladin
DPS recruitment is open to all exceptional players.
Raid Times:
Tues: 8:30pm - 11:30 pm
Wed: 8:30pm - 11:30 pm
Thurs*: 8:30pm - 11:30 pm
*Thursdays will be cut out from mandatory raid schedule once progression is complete for current tier.
We will also be pushing Mythic+ on our off days for those interested.
Contact us in game with any questions and for a link to our application:
GM: Ragingbrb#1469
Officers: Daft#1470 / McEpic#11153
If our guild interests you please reach out. We definitely have a spot for another experienced mage. [A] 2 DAY 7hr W/TH 7:30-11PST LFM CE Shadowlands
I can post our guilds info here for you:
We are Big Yikes, an Alliance evening guild on Sargeras focused on mythic progression, with players who regularly do Mythic+ and heroic raiding, with some veteran pvp players.
We currently have a high need for mages and locks.
Raid Times are 8-11 pm EST wed/thurs (7 pm CST/server time) and unconfirmed dates for casual heroic raiding.
The guild so far is full of players with all kinds of experience and are focused on having fun and being semi serious while still pushing mythic with the goal of hitting CE during the seasons.
GM and other leads have experience with mythic raiding and progression.
Apply through myself through BNet or Discord.
Discord: Le Borat#4648
Battlenet: LeBorat#1320