(A) Possible new home

So....you're looking for a new guild.

Do you have a terrible sense of humor?
Do you communicate mostly in swearing and sarcasm?
Can you take and dish insults?
Do you enjoy being awkward?
Then I have a guild for you!

Faction: Alliance

Server: Emerald Dream

Guild: Sadistically Silenced

Progression: 7/8 Heroic

Raid Nights: Fridays & Saturdays

Raid Times: 10:30 pm EST to 1:00 am EST (9:30 pm to 12:00 am server time)

Recruiting Needs: All DPS and most healers

Why Us?: Good question. Honestly, we are all a bit warped, but really just like to have fun. We don't take things too seriously. This is a game after all. Most of us are in our 20s/30s, have jobs, families, pets, kids, etc. We all have lives outside of WoW. We know people have lives.

As a guild, we provide flasks, feasts, and guild repairs. We run mythic+ a couple of days a week. Most of us are altoholics. We chat a lot in discord, both in text and voice.

What We Expect from You: Show up for raids, or at least let officers know when you aren't going to show up. Be good.

If you want to chat, either reply here, PM me, add my btag: Kitty#1589, or message me on discord: Cymaron#4607, or btag: Christoph#1817,Temp#5488
We have a few guild rules that are posted in our guild-faq

Thank you all for your consideration