A possible fix for layering?!

I don’t think the streamers understand it any better than us. Last night they had two raids running together in Eastern Plaguelands and one of the raids got layered away.

Stress Test 2 is coming up in 5 days, so maybe we’ll be able to learn more about it then.

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I apologize. Sometimes I separate my paragraphs and this seems to have confused you. This sentence you replied to was not meant to be taken alone.

This is already part of the plan for Phase 1.

There are already PvE/RP/PvP servers. No need to fracture the community further by offering another set of server types. Bad idea.

This isn’t different than layering. Just something that may need to be addressed with layering.

It is still layering, which I am in favor of.

It’s not like there is only going to be one of each type of server, though. All an extra rule-set would do is change how many of each type of server we have.

Assuming we get a concurrent peak population of 500k with 9k capacity servers, we’d need at least 55 servers. Currently that could be 25 PvP, 25 PvE, 5 RP servers, with no layering servers we’d probably see something more like 20 PvP, 20 PvE, 5 layerless PvP, 5 layerless PvE, 5 RP.

The problem is they are bringing layering beyond the starting areas.

True - just way more vanilla like.

This is essentially sharding.

Actually, there’s a 99% chance that if layering works, they’ll use it in Live.

I meant the OP’s suggested architecture.

Blizzard wont adopt this 70 days from release even if it was viable.

Oh sure. Though MS Paint with some squares isn’t exactly a whole pile of work.

The logic doesn’t even work because it would cause high level players to be unable to see and help low level players without grouping.

i don’t see what this solves

He didn’t even align the text. Its hard to look at.

I personally find the layering solution to be great.
Just implement flagging to prevent phase hopping.

I still see the “Rested State Layer Transitions only” method to be the best way to seamlessly control it such that you never feel like there’s layers.

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Personally, i would make the bottom layer 1-10, get rid of the blue layer. Make the green layer 11-20. The the last layer is everyone else.

So in theory if you are questing in Tanaris, and you see your friend come on and he wants to join you it would require one/both of you to go to an inn on the off chance he logged into a different layer?

Not disagreeing just clarifying :slight_smile:

It would require everyone but the party leader (assuming that’s the layer everyone would transition to) to head to a Rested Zone (Inn or City), if they were not already on the leader’s layer. On stepping into the rested zone they would transition to the layer of the group. When the group disbands, the next time they stepped into an Inn they would return to the layer they were on when they logged in.

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Pure classic experience, dont like it, go back to retail where u gonna have to wait 1hour for 1/4 of your tourist mode raid :man_shrugging:

Doesn’t really apply to me, but I know from enough private server launches that these forums will be swamped with “WIPE SERVERS, I CANT GET ON, ITS NOT FAIR” posts for weeks.

Here’s my main anyway: