Except it is. You said I was 100% wrong when I said pro-RDF is unwilling to compromise. But you failed to read the very first post from someone who is pro-RDF, unwilling to compromise, and has more likes than the OP.
This is what we call proof Tesalyn.
So you linked yet another pro-RDF poster saying that the’yre unwilling to compromise with the new tool, and it got 400 likes, and you think this is helping you?
Tesalyn, you are further proving my point! This isn’t fun if I don’t get to defend my point myself. You are literally giving us proof that pro-RDF is unwilling to compromise meanwhile anti-RDF is.

says who? you? based off what exactly?
Based off all the evidence I’ve linked you that you continue to ignore. Also based off of all the evidence you’ve linked yourself.

One of them was anti-RDF OP
The other one was two different threads by the same person. The other ones you can’t say conclusively if they are pro-RDF or anti-RDF. You don’t know their alignment. Just like you didn’t know Confidence’s.

I can link you dozens more.
Please do! I would appreciate you proving yourself wrong more.

link it agan.
Link what exactly?

Yall claim how we are the loud minority.
Quote where I have ever claimed this. I’ll wait.

Who are you to determine that wowlogs is not a valid source
Someone that understands how statistics, the player base, and Warcraftlogs works.