A positivity thread!

sure! i actually play this game tho, and im positive we dont! blizzard is too! and this might not be the game for you then!

I’m looking forward to Ulduar:

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Its not so much just you bringing it up.

Its also the fact people have been absolutely SPAMMING these forums demanding rdf be added to wotlkc.

The vocal minority have been very loud about not having their way.

theres no way its not a bit, and it isnt intentionally derailing the thread i reported it all for trolling

Ah yes I was actually googling “RDF” threads from the forums and there seems to be a lot of back and forth between the two sides.

Didn’t realize how big the issue was over here, I just took it for granted as a normal mechanic in WoW after seeing it for so long.

I am positive Blizzard will put RDF back into WotLK


Oh i agree, but on the off chance that it isn’t i am simply informing him as to why he got that reaction.

There is no item level nerf. But glad you are enjoying things.

I hope they do! It def. makes for easier grouping. I find the tool on Classic a bit complicated, not sure why it keeps resetting me to tank role when I’m healer.

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see? when they dont can i have your things? can we get on VC when ICC comes out to hear you cry in person?

You can have my place in que.

There is! they are nerfing ToC ilvl to make it not invalidate al ULD gear immediately.

I understand you do not like RDF which is fine, but to want to hear someone physically cry over voice chat is a bit demented imo. It’s just a game, not sure why anyone would be that invested in someone else’s pain.


They never said this. It was one lone dev spitballing an idea. This is not a change they plan on making at this time.

That person made a thread thinking to troll RDF people into commenting and then attacking them for it.

Thinly vieled attempt.


do you have a source on this?

Ah this is a troll thread, I should’ve known based on how hostile the poster was even after I admitted my mistake in misreading the post.

Not sure what this person would gain from all this hostility though? Doesn’t really sound like a good use of time if you ask me.

This character youve got going on is great tho man

Nope! but youve been reported for trolling.

I wanted to chime in and talk about the “ilvl squish” in ToC/ICC a bit more, and provide even more context for anyone who is reading this who may have some questions about this idea (and I do want to stress, it’s currently just an idea)

ahhhh! i must have missed this part i hope they do this because its a great idea.