A plea to return Moonkin Form

As many of you are aware TWW has made Moonkin Form be the only form spec specific while to others this may be a “who cares” change but for me it’s really impacted my enjoyment as playing Resto Druid.

Firstly I just wanted to say with Moonkin Form as Resto it was the perfect class fantasy for me as a more caster oriented playstyle, I literally utilised every Shapeshift Form consistently which really is what I loved so much.

Bear Form - for Defence/Utility, Cat Form - Mobility/Utility, Player/Treant Form - Healing, Moonkin Form - DPS/Utility. The perfect harmony of shapeshifting.

Ever since the removal of Moonkin Form, for whatever crazy decision that was really made the caster oriented playstyle more dull in my eyes. While “Kittyweaving” still keeps in aesthetics and playstyle which is pleasing for those who prefer it, go Cat Form and shred everything apart, losing Moonkin Form lost this appeal and visual flare. It’s just a visually dull now, no shapeshifting, no added visuals, it’s bland.

Also the added benefit of Moonkin Form bringing Convoke to be an actual dps cd at range which now is really only used in Cat Form, we lose Polymorph protection, The golden glyph of Flap and the utility of backwards leap.

Not forget to mention they added all these new customisations and Tindral unique customisation to literally all be worth nothing unless in Balance.

I just can’t see any reasoning why it was removed at all, Fluid Form made changing forms a lot more, well fluid, we have a Hero Spec focused on more caster oriented profile Keeper of the Grove while Wildstalker really focuses on Kittyweaving utilising Cat Form. Even certain spec Talents.

While I know they added the Moonkin Form damage to the spec, it really just takes away the visual enjoyment of it, the fantasy of Shapeshifting.

Moonkin Form really needs to return for all Druids, while I’m speaking from a Resto perspective I think all specs should be able to use the Form.

Honestly I just miss it so much, the removal of it really hit my enjoyment of Druid. I just want it back so badly.

Shapeshifting is what Druids is about and never should be taken away!.

R.I.P Owlweaving, Gone but not forgotten

Edit: all through Beta, early access if been wishing they’ll return it before launch, sadly they seem to have stuck with this, in my eyes poor decision. I’m praying we can rally together as Druids and a community and bring it back.


I’ve said it before and i’ll keep saying it: Druids should have access to ALL forms. Spec should simply enhance one. They’re shapeshifters, PLEASE LET US SHIFT :pray: But also, I truly miss using my flap macro as resto :[


I’m literally playing Balance more then Resto now strictly cause of Moonkin Form, but I’m not a main dps, I’m a healer through and through and I just want it back.


I don’t mind not having moonkin form honestly

Until moonkin form returns, rest in piece flaps


I have already contacted my legal representation on approaching Blizzard for a refund of the Glyph of Star’s that I purchased for all 4 specs. 3 of those purchases were stolen form me without compensation. I would like my property returned.