A plea to Oceanic/Australian/Late Night RP Guilds/Communities

Good afternoon everyone!

I’m Zero. I live in Australia. I love to Roleplay and I literally can’t find ANY Oceanic/Late Night (US) Roleplaying guilds or communities.

Here’s the TL:DR:


  • You’re in Australia/Oceania/Late night US
  • You Roleplay


  • Post below with:

  • What realm

  • What sort of character you play (class/“alignment”/the guild you play with)

  • What faction you play.

I would LOVE to find a community to play with. I at the point where I’d genuinely like to build a character from the ground up to specifically link in with a group of people/guild/community.


Please let me know!


Fellow Oceanic person here! I so far haven’t come across any strictly oceanic guilds. There are a few raiding guilds, but I think they might have moved as I haven’t seen them in quite a while.

Event wise most guilds run between 6pm-10pm for events which is… Depending where in Australia you happen to fall into between 9am-1pm at least! There is always late night RP in Stormwind but by 7pm our time its dying down quite a bit.

I believe in the community tab there is an oceanic group you can find that in the guild/community tab in game.

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