[A] <Penguin Rave> | 1 night/week semi-HC | Monday 8-11pm EST

[A] | 1 night/week | Mondays 8-11 PM EST

Penguin Rave is a mature, community-oriented guild with a particular focus on time-efficient raiding. Our goal is to provide a fun, tight-knit Classic community for everyone from levels 1 to 60, and we invite any like-minded players to join us!

What We’re Looking For
Priority roles:

  • 1 Priest/Holy Paladin
  • 1 Warlock
  • 2 Fury Warriors

Minimum pre-raid BiS geared, preferably with some logs.
• Social members & players of all levels are always welcome!

Raid Schedule
Mondays, 8-11 PM EST – We clear both MC & BWL within 2 hours, faster every week!

Optional guild activities typically happen on Thursdays & Sundays, depending on resets and whims. These include extra Ony kills and Zul’Gurub clears.

EPGP-Loot Council System
We use the CEPGP addon to automate most loot. Quest items & legendaries are given out in a predetermined order (within reason).

What We Offer
• Friendly, active community looking to farm, do dungeons, raid, and PvP together
• Strong, experienced leadership team that has raided together for years
• Raid team committed to clearing content on a limited schedule that will not extend past our posted raid times. We take our schedule seriously!

WarcraftLogs: https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/calendar/484485/
Discord: https://discord.gg/EQyVB8E

Interested? Please feel free to contact us in-game or via Discord. We don’t use an application. Simply give us a shout if you want to talk. :slight_smile:

GM: Lalasama (Lala#1544)
Sineww (Wrap // Sinew#7834)
Coltplay (ColtPlay#6559)
Yoso (Koso#4171)
Distreiga (Distreiga#6078)