is that a peacock mount?
I wonder if it spreads its tail feathers for its ground animation. That would be sweet. I guess we’ll know in a few hours
I do admit, me want that so badly. That looks really cool.
Same. I wonder how it’ll look in shadowform. Glow effects usually integrate pretty nicely.
I’ve wanted this ever since it was datamined. Gonna have to earn some tendies first tho.
Yes, yes it is.
Yeah, the blue glow with the purple Shadowform should look very cool.
It really does!
male or female? they look very different
My guess is it will copy the animations from the ZM birds/pre-order bird from SL since it’s basically a reskin.
I was hoping it’d be a dragonriding mount, but I suppose that’ll happen eventually
But does /mountspecial cause it to show its plumage?
doesn’t appear to - you see the underside of the tail but it doesn’t spread out if that is what you are interested in.
I personally think it is worth getting.
but would it be a male or female as they look very different
I like it! I am feeling sort of a Mardi Gras vibe with the masks and peacock this month. I also thought I would hate the teal, but then I was looking on Wowhead and the full teal outfit with the gown, shoulder cape, gloves, etc - looks good. Esp with the mask and peacock.
what if the ladies feel left out and want a female one
i think they would be trolls and safely ignored
It looks cool - they can add a rare albino version too