A panda mogging tip

This Wowhead article is pretty good but they leave out one big thing, so I figured I’d clue people in. The very first quest for each class rewards items not listed in the article, and all have unique colors from the ones listed in the article. Plus, mage gets a nice fan off-hand and priest gets a nice book off-hand. Both show on the mog when not being held.

So, if you decide to be nuts like me and try to collect all the panda white mogging gear you should at least log in and do the very first quest on each panda class (other than DK) too.

Also, anther minor tip, the article hints at it with the images, but doesn’t come out and say it (actually it does now. Not sure if it was added or I just missed it. Probably just missed it), leather and mail sets look the same. So if you just run a hunter, warrior, and mage though the whole starting zone you’ll get all the items listed in the article (other than the first quests items per class I mentioned above. So you’d only have to log in and do one quest on shaman, rogue, priest, and monk).

Edit: I’m dumb. Just because the mail and leather look the same it doesn’t mean it can be mogged by both armor types. I don’t know what I was thinking. Guess I gotta go though one more time on a leather class. -_-; (Thankfully I don’t. Being a packrat, my panda monk still had all her starting zone stuff. Wheew!)

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Hey thx nice little book here

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But are they mogable for both? Hunter gear is listed as mail from lvl one these days, does it unlock it for leather users as well?

That’s nice but sadly I’ll never be a Panda.

Oh. LOL I didn’t even think about that. I might need to go back again…