Hello Lightbringer, my name is Grim, and I have been a guild leader in our server for some time. I’ve been gone from the game since early-ish BFA, and am returning to assemble a team of Paladins to raid in Shadowlands. If you’d like to see some all-paladin fun, we have an under-geared, all-melee (paladin) Curator kill on YouTube (Grim Strategy Gaming) so you can get the gist of what we’re recruiting for.
We’re looking to have a ton of fun, and will be recruiting/pruning/training/practicing between now and Shadowlands. Your paladin doesn’t have to be on Lightbringer, we’re happy to cross-faction raid, but given that this is the Lightbringer forum, it probably is. If you’re interested, please drop by the discord and say hi. Discord code qxQnahw
All raids will be streamed for charity.