[A] Paladin looking for chill crew of funtimers

Good morning ED,

Prot/potentially Holy Pal, single dad here looking for a guild of raiders/pvp’ers/mog collectors/dungeon spelunkers that play regularly. My time is limited so I can’t commit to a fixed schedule for pve or pvp, but I am always down to run all the different content when I’m around.

If you have an active community that gets into pve/pvp, hit me up here or in-game.

Thanks for your time :kissing_heart:

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A tip I use when looking for guilds is I browse the forums for recruitment threads. I also take note of reoccurring guild names I see in the world. I next do a /who search of the guild during my playtime to see how active they are.

My current guild has all the criteria you were looking for in your post, there are several great Ally side guilds.

Did you find what you were looking for?