Warborn < Serious Raiders Who Don’t Take Ourselves Too Seriously > [Classic Onyxia 1/1, Molten Core 10/10] Tues/Thurs 8-10:30pm
We are actively recruiting fun and friendly people to join a wonderful raiding guild on the Windseeker server.
Our goal is to achieve a non-clique guild environment. We want new members to feel comfortable fast and will welcome you with open arms. We will help you attune, quest, raid and laugh. Especially laugh as that’s one of the main reasons we like to play.
We are have a small but effective raid team of 45 members. Just enough folks to clear the high end content with enough overage to account for folks who can’t always attend raids.
Currently looking to fill the following classes:
2 x dagger rogue
1 x warlock
To join, say hi in our discord channel: discord.gg/FfkrQWc and after a short conversation, if everything is a fit, we will grant access to the members area or send us a tell in game.
Hope to chat with you soon!
Keah, Pucks, Doinkz, Calculated, and Wylde