<Death Jesters> is an established raiding guild on Pagle looking for players for SSC/TK and beyond! A guild as old as the game itself, Death Jesters has created a community of classic enthusiasts that focus on efficient clears while maintaining a relaxed atmosphere.
We are a day 1 Pagle guild that has successfully run two 40 man teams throughout classic. For TBC we run three distinct 25 man teams, listed below. All raid times are 8PM-11PM ET. All teams are Loot Council and factor in a personal list you create on thatsmybis.com
Saturday/Sunday: 5/6 & 3/4
1 Hunter
1 Prot Warrior
1 Shadow Priest
1 Resto Shaman
Thursday/Monday: 5/6 & 3/4
1 Shadow Priest
1 Moonkin
1 Hunter
Tuesday/Wednesday: 6/6 & 4/4
If your class/spec is not listed above feel free to reach out, we’re always looking for exceptional players.
What we offer you:
-We offer you a stable guild that strives to raid smarter, not harder.
-We offer you a guild where you will be treated with respect and your voice will be heard. We always welcome thoughts, ideas, and strategies.
-We offer raid teams where spots are given out based on merit and not on favoritism.
-We offer you a guild in which you will get as much back as you put in.
What we want:
-We want players with a strong raiding background, a willingness to improve and thorough knowledge of their class.
-We want the type of player that gets excited when someone on the team wins an item, not immediately upset that it’s not going to you.
-We want players that can be laid back during normal raids but have the ability to listen, follow directions, and focus when it comes to new raid content and speed runs.
If this interests you, please message Cramer#5712 or Mayuki#2908 on discord. Happy raiding Paglers!