[A]- Pagle (PvE) <Divine Brutality> | Weekdays-M/T 7:30pm-11:00pm 14/14 T6! LF Ret Pally/Enhance Shaman!

|Alliance| Pagle (PvE) | Weekdays-M/T 7:30pm-11:00pm

Cleared all classic content, P1, P2, and 14/14 for P3!

Check us out on TBC Logs! https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/pagle/divine%20brutality

|Semi Hardcore Guild|

Who we are?
Has been around since molten core in Classic WoW, we have fully progressed through every raid with efficiency. We promote a friendly atmosphere that is welcoming, but focused. Our raids move at a fast pace, and we consistently clear BT/Hyjal in one raid night. We use an extensive, transparent loot-council system. We use thatsmybis.com, you know what position you are for an item, and know exactly when you’ll receive it.

What we expect? What does Semi-Hardcore mean anyway?
We expect everyone to have consistent raid attendance, Consumables are a must, and be knowledgeable and skillful in your particular role. Semi-Hardocre means to us as a guild, to give every raid 100% maximum effort, we know when to have fun and relax, but we know people have schedules and real lives. We raid 2 days a week for this reason. Current content is cleared on Tuesday, with the guild doing several older raids on monday for BiS pieces.

The team is currently in need of:
One Ret Pally!
One Enhance Shaman!

Other players are encouraged to join! Exceptional players are always welcome!
You can contact me in game, Skallix on the Pagle realm, Battle net Mrhasu#11802, or on discord MrHaSu(Harelda)#1402

Please join our discord and post your information in the recruitment channel.

We await your arrival…

Post has been updated.

Bump with current needs.

Updated with current roster needs.