[A] [Pagle] <Frost> Tues/Thurs 7:30-11 EST Recruiting Exceptional Players

Raid times: Tues/Thurs 7:30 PM -11:00 PM EST.
Progress: 11/14 Phase 3
Loot System: EPGP

Frost is looking to grow our ranks! We have an amazing community of players dedicated to clearing raid content and having fun at the same time. Outside of raid nights we do frequent heroic runs, alt raids, and pre-made battleground groups!

If you are an exceptional player looking for a fun and exciting environment for Phase 3 and beyond, come and join us! All players are more than welcome to join, but we specifically are looking for:

  • Ret Paladin
  • Prot Paladin
  • Balance Druid
  • Resto Shaman
  • Hunters
  • Warlocks

For more info message Garshmog#1547 on Discord or Garshmog#1350 on bnet!


Also potential spots for more warlocks and hunters.