17/17+3D 25 | Server: Pagle | Alliance | Semi-Hardcore
We are a progression-oriented group of mostly former retail players looking for something less time-consuming. We will be raiding 25 player raids 2 nights a week in Wrath and focusing on Hard Modes and Heroic content when it becomes available. We are looking for progression-oriented players to fill out the roster for 25 mans.
25 player Raid Info:
Tuesday: 8:00-11:30pm EST
Thursday: 8:00-11:30pm EST
Loot: Council - Based on Performance/Attendance/Level of upgrade.
We are currently clearing all 25 player content+3D on Tuesdays. Thursdays are used for 10 mans, (Full Clear+3D) etc. until Ulduar opens. We have been focusing on clearing out the achievements for P1 raids and speed clears with most of the guild having Glory to the Raider.
Recruitment Needs:
Enhance Shaman
Unholy DK
We’re always looking for other exceptional players to fill out the roster. If our guild interests you, reach out anyway!
We also accept casuals and players looking for less of a commitment for off-day (10 player, etc) content. Feel free to inquire.
Many of us come from a competitive mythic raiding background from retail and want raids to remain competitive through Wrath. You’ll be expected to come prepared to raids with the correct gems/enchants/consumables for your role. Feasts/Repairs are provided.
Discord: Zixel#3671
Battle.net: Zixel#1554