Guild Name: P U M P
Server: Pagle
Faction: Alliance
Location: Eastern
P U M P (Pagle) is a raiding guild looking to round out our core roster to break into and roll through TBC.
About the Guild
The P U M P leadership core has been raiding together for 5+ years, with endgame experience including classic (15/15 core), mythic retail raiding, EQ(2), and basically every MMO that’s come out in the past 10 years. While we hesitate to use the term semi-hardcore, because lots of guilds say that but don’t mean it, that’s what we’re building. Our goal, and what we’ve put together so far, is an organized raiding structure that accommodates people that pull 99s and also people that will get drunk and lost in the woods.
While we are keeping a relatively chill raiding environment, we will be pushing performance and optimization around our members. No edgelords, no weenies. Most of our core are full adults.
In classic, our core was 15/15 in Naxx, and we’ve organized weekly PUGs for second characters and etc. for 18+ months across multiple servers.
Our immediate plans are to run PUGs while classic winds down, to plug major loot holes to ease TBC progression. In prepatch, we’ll be boosting our shaman rerolls and continuing to PUG to help them gear before BC leveling. We’ll have at least one week one Kara team, with 3-4 total by the time you include alts, so we’re expecting a lot of emphasis on raiding throughout the expansion.
Raid Times: Tentatively Tues-Thurs 8-11 server. For people that want to raid with multiple characters we’ll be hosting secondary PUGs on other days, or when we clear the other content
Loot System: For TBC we’ll be doing a points-based system, specifics TBD. DKP or EPGP.
Roster Needs (roughly in order): Shaman rerolls, 1 boomkin, 1 priest, 1 hunter, 1 warlock
Reach out to Tankzito (Tankzito#4055 on discord) or Fewmitz (Fewmitz#6813) with interest/questions