[A] Outgoing 390 Resto Druid LF 18+ Raiding, M+ Guild

Hello to whoever may read this,

 I'm currently looking for a guild to call home and grow with. I've met some very good people on this game over the years, and I would like to reach my hand out in an attempt to do the same in DF. 

 I'm interested in laidback prog raiding with hopes of being the missing piece to a guild's puzzle in their quest to push for AOTC and maybe even a little mythic if the time comes. I currently work nights but I am able to play while at work 95% of the time unless a dire situation arises. My 100% free days are Sun, Mon, Tues which I would prefer to be the days to raid if possible. I am located on the East coast but this time difference has no impact on me. 

 I have a group of IRL friends that might be interested in tagging along with me if I do find a good group of people to enjoy the game with. This friend group also heals and have been with me for the 14 years of playing. We are all good people that are looking for the connection we once had in Legion. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

My contact info is as follows;

Discord: viddlez#8008
Bnet: rima#1344