[A] <Our Legacy> Recruiting for weekend and weekday teams

- Weekend Raid Team - 8/8 BWL 10/10 MC (BWL first week clear, Hosted server first Onyxia)
Most of us constantly in Discord, chilling and helping out with stuff.
Fun Fact: Home of the mercenary tank Askalon and Grand Marshal Graynine

Saturday (BWL) - 7:00pm (Best Clear Time: 1:36)
Sunday (MC/Ony) - 7:00pm (Best Clear Time: 1:17)

BWL and MC will both be on Saturday the following week since it is cleared so quickly and AQ will be in the coming months.

Loot Distribution:

We are actively recruiting for two Holy Paladins for our main weekend raid team! Come join one of the most bleeding-edge and diverse paladin rosters in the world! Fight alongside our Paladin Tank Askalon and Retribution Paladin RedneckRebel


- Weekday Raid Team
Our 25+ Core Team is recruiting for last slots of the roster for MC and BWL (currently 33/40).

Wednesday (BWL) - 7:30pm
Friday (MC/Ony) - 7:30pm

Currently hosting Friday night MC pug, then switching to the MC/BWL Schedule once full.

Loot Distribution:
Right now we are using MS > OS rolls with class/spec priority sheet. Minor loot coucil intervention to make sure people roll on what they need and loot goes out fairly.

We have core positions open for Fury Warrior DPS, Mage, Warlock, and Holy/Disc Priests.

Send me a DM on Discord for more info :slight_smile:


OurLegacyGuild .com

looking for more

Just a quick endorsement here from a new member :slight_smile: He’s not kidding. These are wonderful folks who are helpful, lively, and highly skilled. Raid efficiency so far has blown. my. mind. (and I used to raid 3 nights a week in vanilla…hard to imagine!). Terrific experience all around!

Thanks :slight_smile:

Other classes will be considered, just send me a DM on Discord, DemonFire7#7176

We’re a fun bunch, still looking for a fury warrior! :smiley:

- Weekend Raid Team - 8/8 BWL 10/10 MC (BWL first week clear, Hosted server first Onyxia)
Most of us constantly in Discord, chilling and helping out with stuff.
Fun Fact: Home of the mercenary tank Askalon and Grand Marshal Graynine

Saturday (BWL) - 7:00pm (Best Clear Time: 1:36)
Sunday (MC/Ony) - 7:00pm (Best Clear Time: 1:17)

BWL and MC will both be on Saturday the following week since it is cleared so quickly and AQ will be in the coming months.

Loot Distribution:

We are actively recruiting for two Holy Paladins for our main weekend raid team! Come join one of the most bleeding-edge and diverse paladin rosters in the world! Fight alongside our Paladin Tank Askalon and Retribution Paladin RedneckRebel


- Weekday Raid Team
Our 25+ Core Team is recruiting for last slots of the roster for MC and BWL (currently 33/40).

Wednesday (BWL) - 7:30pm
Friday (MC/Ony) - 7:30pm

Currently hosting Friday night MC pug, then switching to the MC/BWL Schedule once full.

Loot Distribution:
Right now we are using MS > OS rolls with class/spec priority sheet. Minor loot coucil intervention to make sure people roll on what they need and loot goes out fairly.

We have core positions open for Fury Warrior DPS, Mage, Warlock, and Holy/Disc Priests.

Send me a DM on Discord for more info :slight_smile:


We are one of the oldest, most established guilds on Pagle.
We are a small, but tight-knit group of players dedicated towards fostering a long-term friendly, active community and pushing raid content.
Many of us are constantly online on Discord and in-game to have fun with fellow guildies!

Join <Our Legacy>!
Come witness the true power of paladins and fight alongside your future Paladin Class Officer, Askalon. I’m a living, breathing Paladin encyclopedia and wrote WoWHead’s Classic Pala Tanking guide.

We are always available to help out fellow guildies with quests, dungeons, and whatever else they may need!

Been here since the start, fantastic leadership and fun people. nothing makes this game better than a bunch of sarcastic people who also encourage you to be the best!

not to mention the god tier Prot Pally Asakalon