Raid time: Thursday, 7-10 PM CST (server)
Raid prog: 8/8N, 8/8H VotI
Refresh is a 1-night, AotC focused guild on Dalaran-US. In anticipation of the new raid coming in 10.1, we are opening up raid recruitment! You’ll find our recruitment priorities below, and you can read more about us below that. Hope to talk to you!
Healers(2) Any applicant welcome
Melee DPS: Windwalker Monk
Ranged DPS: Boomkin, Shadow Priest, Mage, Warlock
CLOSED Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, Rogue
Special note: Any player who likes to flex into multiple roles is incredibly valuable to us as an AOTC guild! Not required, but highly sought after!
Any players who feel like they would be a good fit for the team are always encouraged to reach out to us regardless of recruitment needs at any given moment.
About Refresh:
Initially just an idea among busy friends, Refresh has blossomed into a friendly little community of busy adults, parents, professionals and more. We all have one thing in common: we love raiding in WoW but are too busy to commit to the more intense schedules that we used to when we were younger. Our single weekly raid night allows us to continue to enjoy our hobby, but without committing to 10+ hours a week. Despite our casual schedule, several of our core players have hardcore roots, and that shows with the efficiency of our raid nights. We get serious when we need to, and that allows us to reach our goals each tier despite the limited schedule. You won’t find a better group of busy adults to slay some pixel dragons with.
What we look for in an ideal member of the Refresh family is someone who feels comfortable and confident in their role within raid, someone who meshes with our tight-knit, friendly group of players, and someone who can reliably make our one night of raid each week. If that sounds you, please check us out!
If you’re interested or just want to know more, add us on Discord!
We hope to hear from you!