Unfortunately, for personal reasons this past year, I was forced to quit the game. I am now looking to get back into it either via Horde (Hyjal) or Alliance (Windrunner) and looking forward to the new xpac.
Just a little about myself. I’m an older gamer (almost 57 years young ) who has been playing WoW since beta. I’m a family man who has been married going on 28 years with two kids (both well into their 20s, son also plays WoW from time to time). Love anime, sci-fi, horror and kung fu cinema. Also love collecting old comic books from the 60’s-80’s era. Love music, mainly hard rock and heavy metal. \m/ \m/
I’m looking for a casual/mature guild who likes to raid, pvp and run dungeons. I’m also up for helping others when needed. I am on PST (California) time and I usually play after 5:00 pm.
Both of my main characters (I have other 60s as well) are BM Hunters and I am very familiar with raiding/pvp and dungeons.
I am looking for a guild who has raid days on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Sundays. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays I’m partially available only every other week.
Looking for either a Horde guild in Hyjal and/or an Alliance guild in Windrunner/Darrowmere if possible. I’ll consider a realm transfer if the guild is a pretty good fit.
My Bnet is Grendel#1570. Please be patient if I don’t get back to you right away, it just means I’m without my desktop.