[A or H] Mage/boomkin LFG

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing well today. I am coming back to the game after a little bit of time away due to some issues and having to move around a lot. Can elaborate later if needed. With that let’s get right to the point and I’ll put it all out there for you here and see what happens from there. My friend told me to post using this format so hope it helps and makes things easier.

Guild: What I am looking for.

I am looking for a guild I can grow with and continue to get better with week in and week out. I want to be able to run and push keys with guild and make friends along the way. I am also looking to raid of course as well. I am looking for a guild that will for sure step into mythic even if it’s to just kill a few bosses but be nice to push as far as we can. This last tier I had pulls on all 10 bosses on mythic but only killed up to sludgefist due to as I said above having some IrL issues come up. I always wanna push myself to grow and get better so hoping to find a group to collaborate with and push each other to do out best but also enjoy one another’s company.

Classes: Mage main / Boomkin Alt
As shared above I am looking to main mage and alt boomkin keep both toons up raid ready in time in case needed. I am currently looking to main arcane as the new build seems exciting but I am indifferent on what spec I main of frost or arcane in the new tier. I could be talked into boomkin as main instead of a alt for right guild but we would have to chat and I’d still need to be able to keep up mage.

Raid times and schedule:

Currently the raid times that would work would be Monday-Saturday 6pm to 11pm pst the ideal. If you raid in this window of time let’s chat.

Looking for a guild that raid 2 nights a week preferably with the third night being a alt night.

No matter what I will have some catch up to do going into 9.1 as last tier I healed and am swapping over fully to dps this tier. I am excited for the opportunity to grow and develop with a new guild and excited to slay some bosses with you in 9.1.

I am open to chat and discuss anything even if you on the border of reaching out just reach out and see if it would be a good fit for both parties. Anything you want to know just ask and I’ll do my best to reach back out with answers ASAP. Thanks everyone for your time hope to hear from ya soon.

Or drop info below give me a little time to reach back out as I am camping for part of the weekend.

Ps. I’d prefer to be alliance but I am not against horde just cheaper to stay alliance. As above I am also posting this for a friend as his prior account got banned.

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Hey man, I sent you a discord friend request. We fit all of your criteria, and I think we will be the right fit for you.

We raid Fridays/Saturdays 7pm-10PST. With our non-mandatory alt raid on Thursdays 6-9pm PST. We are alliance on Sargeras. Focus a lot on M+ outside of raid with players 2kIO+.

Look forward to chatting.
Discord- CasualDev#5323
Btag- Dev#1185

Hello there, Mutiny, a horde guild on Illidan is looking for ranged dps to join our raid team. We raid Wed and Friday from 7-10 pm central time. Our aim is to get AOTC as soon as possible and start mythics and push as far as we can. Due to summer and vacations, we started heroics this week and got to 3/10 after one night. Hoping to get a couple of more kills over the next week.

We also do lots of keys, and we can always use a mage or druid. I tank for a group that was doing up to 20 keys last season, and we want to get all the portal achievements this time around.

If interested, reach out to me:

Cyndraelia, bnet Zvrehtvall1417

Hey there! You sound like a perfect fit for our guild - we have the same goals for progression and we fit the raid times you have listed there. I sent you a friend request on Discord (lonesoldier09#0009) but you can also take a look at our forum post here:

I hope we can chat soon!

Hey Khalin!

MGB (10/10 SoD, 1/10 H SoD) sounds like it could be a good fit for you. Even if you’re not on the server you could join the guild on a fresh alt to see if you mesh with the general vibe. We have a large social community and the more the merrier. We also have a smaller group that is more focused on pushing M+/PvP/Raids as well. In 9.0 I was 7/10M (https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/tanaris/darenas), KSM, and 2100+ PvP and am happy to help anyone improve if they are interested.

We are bolstering our progression raiding team and welcoming new trials. Our raiding goals are to grow our team, get AoTC as soon as possible, and take down all the Mythic bosses we can. Happy to discuss more.

Discord: Ali_A#1167 or Deadlift#4338
BTag: Deadlift#1353

Raid Schedule: (6 hours/week)

Wed & Fri - 8:30-11:30 PM Eastern (5:30-8:30 PM Pacific)

Prerequisites to join:

  1. Be respectful of your fellow raiders
  2. Show up on time and let us know if you are unable to make a raid night
  3. Play your class to the best of your ability

Also note that if you can play your class well enough to meet our minimum requirements you are more than welcome to play an off-meta spec or select an off-meta covenant.

You should come take a look at Crisp. Lead by US100 guild leader and reformed horde for a CE push in 9.1.

Hello Lorekht,

Chads on Top was a mid patch formed guild that completed AOTC in CN. We’re looking to complete AOTC in 9.1 as well as push mythic raiding. Raiding on Tues/Wed 830PM EST - 11PM.

We are currently 8/10N and 3/10H with 30% pulls on Remnant.

We’re a laid back raid environment as long as we’re downing content.

We provide raid supplies as well as repairs.

If you’re interested add me on Bnet or Discord!

Btag: SameClothes#1571

Sorry all was out a few days later then expected I’ll answer back to all of you.

Hey there we could use some more ranged DPS!
Soup or Guild > is a new Horde Guild on Area-52 recruiting for CE. In our first tier we got to 6/10 mythic. We have a goal of pushing as far as we can, and hopefully obtaining CE.

Several of the guild leadership achieved CE in Legion and BFA.

Looking for
Any exceptional players.

Raid Times are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12 est.

This guild was created recently by a group of active players with mythic and cutting edge experiece.

Anyone else is welcome to join for regular pvp and m+ content that will be run with the guild as well.

Become part of something great and grow with us!

zak#4618 on Discord

we are looking for a mage for a core spot :slight_smile:

If you have the stamina for wipes as well as the dps, check us out.

Hey there, don’t know if you’re still looking, but we’d be very interested in chatting with you! From what it sounds like, you may just be a great fit! I added you on discord, but here’s some info:
Newly formed guild looking for people ready to raid Heroic and do M+ content. Our members have heroic and mythic experience and we’re looking for a few more to fill out our progression team!

10/10 Normal Sanctum of Domination
2/10 heroic Sanctum of Domination

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday 8pm EST - 11pm EST
Thursday 8pm EST - 11pm EST

Recruitment Needs:
Healer: Paladin and/or Monk
DPS: Monk, Warrior and/or Mage

You can contact me in game or on here. My battle.net is Killermusic#1245

dont save her is looking for more players to add to our roster, raid times Tues, Weds, Thurs 8-11 pm EST, currently led by 1/10M and 8/10H SoD players. If interested add Fruity#11155

Send it is a horde guild on hyjal looking to push CE this tier. We unfortunately got a late start last tier and missed out but are on the right track to push our way through the new raid. Currently we have one night of prog on slyv with multiple P3 attempts and she will be down this week as well as at least the eye (6% best pull) and hopefully the nine. We currently have a very good core of players and are looking to add-on to that to finish out our roster. Right now we have around 23-25 players but due to schedule everyone can not be there every night. We also like to keep it competitive and every raid spot is not guaranteed and that does include officers.

Our Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday from 8:30 PM EST- 11:30 PM EST.

We have an optional day of Wednesday for N KT/Sylv and sometimes alt clears as well.

We also do mythic + all week long and almost our entire roster is KSM. We have casual members we help as well!

Progression is as follows:

1/10 M
9/10 H
10/10 N

We currrently are recruiting competetive DPS with good logs. We do understand kill times come into play as well as the PI meta so everything will be taken into consideration.

Mage - Frost/Arcane - HIGH
Boomkin - Medium
Shaman - Elemental

WW Monk- High
Warrior- High

https:// docs.google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCV4AZ9Y-R_U3Y-z8mue7DatZys9rXslRTN9u5n70mJizWpQ/viewform
(Please delete the space and this will work)

My Bnet: ChowMaster#11992
Discord: TheChowMaster#1011

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

Alpha Guild on US Stormrage could be what your looking for.

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game
BNET: Sylv#1803
Discord: Sylv#1787

I just wanted to say thanks for the time, effort, and grammar in your post <3. I don’t see a lot of that here. I can’t say we’re a perfect match, because we’re a bit small and casual. When tend to lose folk either to RL, or once some greased wheels get going, they are ready to push some bigger content- as it takes a while to find those with enough patience and heart to stick around. That’s all cool- because most importantly, you have to find what you need for YOUR time, and we can understand that. It doesn’t mean we’ll stop trying though- Slow GROW is the TEMPO! Good Luck <3