[A] [Onyxia] <House of the Dragon> |9/9 norm 2/9 heroic| Tues+Thurs 8-11pm EST, LF heals and ranged DPS for r

House of the Dragon is a semi-casual raiding guild on Burning Blade, Lightning’s Blade, Onyxia, Garona, Icecrown, Malygos formed by a small group of friends that wanted to build a community that was inclusive and accepting. We wanted to have a group of people that we could see the content the game has to offer and have a good time with the people we are playing with.

What we expect:
PERFECTION! No, just kidding… we do not expect you to be the cutting edge player. We want people that enjoy playing the game and want to progress through harder content. We are more than happy to help players learn more about the encounters and the classes they play. We know that real life comes up and do not expect 100% attendance as long as you are communicating that to the officers.

We achieved AOTC last season and we want to achieve it again this season. We have already cleared normal and are 2/9 heroic. What we do not want is to have an environment where the game feels like a job.

Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST

Recruitment Needs: We are really looking to fill out a few spots in our core raid team and for a couple of casual fill in spots when a core raid member can not attend.
- 1-2 Ranged DPS
- 1 Melee DPS (preferably Windwalker)
- 1 Healer

If you are interested or just have a question you’d like to ask, feel free to reach out…

Rhaenyra#0409 (discord)
rhaenyra#11403 (bnet)

Oanari#7323 (discord)
mother#13512 (bnet)

amillerguy#1178 (discord)
amillerguy#11844 (bnet)

You can also apply using the guild finder tool in game!