Guild Name: Offline TLV [Alliance - Atiesh]
Guild Leaders: Browny
Guild Officers: Browny [GM] | Tarjan [Raid Recruitment]
Guild Focus: Midcore Progression Raiding, Casual Farm Raiding
Event Times: Monday/Wednesday 6:00 - 9:00PM ST
Progression: MC 10/10, BWL 8/8, AQ40 9/9
Recruitment Needs: Actively seeking Holy Paladins and Priests for AQ40. Considering Every Class For BWL/MC, even fresh 60’s.
Loot Rules: Mixed. Mostly open roll MS>OS with some class prioritization. Loot Council with rotating members for critical items and Soft Reserve for older tier content and 20-person raids.
Notes: Our goal is to clear content efficiently with good company. Loot is a bonus! We are currently clearing BWL in about an hour, MC binding runs take another 20 minutes or so. We currently do AQ40 in one night 9/9.
Message us in-game or on Discord if this sounds like a good fit for you.