[A] <Obsidian Sky> Actively Recruiting~ T/W/Th

Current Progression: 4/8M

The roar of the Lion of the Alliance has been heard far and wide! The Battle for Azeroth is on the horizon. [Obsidian Sky] looks to bolster its ranks for MYTHIC raiding to protect the interests of the Alliance!

About Us

[Obsidian Sky] was founded on March 16, 2014 near the end of the MIST OF PANDARIA expansion during the raid Siege of Orgrimmar. In that short time, not only did we complete 14/14N, we rose in the ranks to Realm 41st.

We knew we could do better, and in a true PROGRESSION GUILD manner, we upped our efforts for WARLORDS OF DRAENOR by successfully achieving 13/13 Mythic by the end of the expansion. Although we did not make it to CUTTING EDGE before pre-patch, we achieved Realm Guild Rank 8 and World Rank 2446 (top 4% World).

Again, we knew we could keep pushing, and thus we did. During LEGION, we achieved CUTTING EDGE status on Emerald Nightmare, 8/10M on Nighthold, and CUTTING EDGE with Antorus Burning Throne.

** NOTES **
With the recent change to cross-realm Mythic, we accept cross-realm trials, but will require you to server change if we accept you.

We sell raid carries in order to fund our progression as a guild. No proceeds from this are used for personal profit by Guild Leaders or otherwise. ****

[Obsidian Sky] will continue performing at a Mythic progression level, and is ready to answer the Roar of the Lion to achieve even more for the Alliance in the future. Our players are mature, driven, competitive, and always looking to improve themselves and their fellow raiders. We have learned to give and take criticism in a productive manner, and work to ensure effective communication in a collaborative, professional, progression-minded atmosphere. We provide a stable environment for our raiders to improve both as players, teammates, and people.

During progression, we are highly disciplined to make sure every bit of time we spend is used efficiently, maximized to its fullest potential, and benefits each member of the raid team to the most it can. That said, on farm or outside of raids, we also know how to just chill. We actively endeavour to maintain a mature, drama-free environment so that we can reduce stress inside and outside of progression and ensure the most productive and happy raid team possible.

Raid Times

Tues/Wed/Thurs 7:30 - 10:30 PM PST.

** We use RCLootcouncil for gear distribution. **


-Active players, running highest M+ possible on a weekly basis.

** Exceptional players of all sorts for Battle for Azeroth.

What to expect

There has never been instability, nor will there ever be in this raiding family.

-Respect and support
Sometimes people need time off or a helping hand. We both support this notion, and will do whatever we can afford to, to help our valued raiding family succeed in their lives.

-Reward for effort
You will get back as much as you put in.

We do more than just dailies and raid 3x a week.

What we want

-Players who are progression oriented and capable of improving their skills, as well as knowledge of encounters with minimal time to do so.

-Players that want more out of a guild than simply a 3x raid schedule. WoW is about more than the hamster grind. We don’t want lemmings. Lemmings are bad.

-Players that aren’t going to treat us like a rung on a ladder. You aren’t Mario. We aren’t a launch platform to your glorious ascension to other guilds beyond. We are a family that wants to invest in long term members who want a home.

-Players that can take criticism. If you’re screwing up, we’re going to tell you. But, we’re also going to help you figure out how to fix it. We don’t think you’re bad, we think you can be better, and we’re going to do our best to help you be the best you can be. Inversely, we want players who can offer constructive criticism. If you notice a person is screwing up and know how to fix it, tell them. But don’t be a jerk about it.

-Players that are willing to admit when they’ve screwed up. Much like being able to take criticism, you need to be able to own up to your mistakes. The quicker you do this, the quicker we move forward to figuring out how to fix the problems. We don’t care how you admit your mistakes, so long as you make an effort to improve upon them.

Trial Period

The duration of our your trial will vary based off your performance and attitude and usually lasts 2-3 weeks. We strongly encourage all of our trials to join our Discord and hang out as much as possible, especially on off-nights. We want you to be a part of our tight-knit community and raid group.

Apply by posting on here or on our website.

If you have any questions, please either post or Private Message Devonity or an Officer in-game.

Àbaddôn - Devonity#1832 (Guild Master)

Yohannes - Tekremi#1794 (Co-Guild Master)

Hope to hear from you!