About The Guild:
Northlight started as a group of friends just pushing through dungeons together. Over the short time Classic has been out, we have grown our family of friendly players substantially, growing quite close to a team large enough to rid ourselves of the horrors of pugging.
Progress and Expectations
Similar to some other guilds, Northlight is 10/10 Molten Core and 1/1 Onyxia. We plan to stick together throughout the entire lifespan of Classic and so forth, conquering every challenge that stands before our family. You don’t have to be in Northlight for very long at all to understand how welcome you are here, everyone is looking after eachother, and it’s very easy to find people willing to help you out with those pesky dungeons.
Raid Schedule and Loot
Currently our main raid times start at 9pm EST on Sun/Mon, as for Onyxia, the time is not always able to be the same day, so Onyxia raid days will be updated weekly.
And for loot, Northlight is currently under a Loot Council system, trying to be as fair as possible to everyone despite length of membership and the gear people have.
Currently we looking for mainly fury warriors and a holy paladin. 4 spots currently open. We are quite full on everything else, atleast for our raid team. Socials are always welcome <3
Contact Us
Reach out to Gnotamage in game or Doctor#0468 on discord for any questions you need answered or if you wish to join!