[A] <No Skill Just Gear> M/ Tues 8:30 - 11:30pm server

  1. *About Us Guild formed by players with a common goal: WTOLK raiding. We have a lot of room for recruits to fill out our 25 man roster. The majority of this us splintered from a guild that changed from 25 to 10.
    Raid Schedule Tues and Wed, 8:30pm to 11:30pm Server time
    Expectations Notification of absence, use raid sign-up in discord Gems/Enchants applied (consumables on progression)
    Recruiting Priests, Holy Paladin, Feral Druid, Mages, Warlock, Rogue a few other DPS are open as well, just inquire
    Loot System: Suicide Kings Variation Inquire if interested
    Contact Mantodd#4427 on discord or Sefia in game.