[a] - <no refunds> - 7 spots left - 6 teams. 5 mythic and 1 heroic. join us!

Greetings. I took a look through your postings and unfortunately do not see my class combo listed. (Currently Ret/Prot Paladin and without an active guild.) I have been pugging thus far this expansion, with all the joys that entails. I’ve found a guild to tag along with for Castle Nathria Normal and they’re a pretty chill/awesome group of folks, but am realizing that perhaps they’re a bit more casual than I am looking for. I am not married to my Paladin, and have decent experience with Resto/Ele Shaman, Resto/Bal Druid, and Mage. However those classes are currently underlevelled/undegeared. I would love someone to have a chat with, if you happen to be interested. Btag is Wanderlust#1312

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Yo Blixt I’ll reach out to you later today!

Happy New Year!! Come play with us!

Added you on Real ID. Available to talk. Feel free to msg me a discord link if that would make it easier.

I presume you folks are busy, so I don’t want to pester. However is there someone available to talk?