Don’t have the time to raid and progress like you used to? Real life getting in the way of your play time? Looking for a new home for the expansion? Look no further!
Nightvale is recruiting like minded individuals who are looking to raid but no longer have the time to devote to the constant grind and min maxing. We are all ex mythic raiders who over the years have had our real life schedules become more demanding and limiting our play time. But like many older players we still wish to progress and work towards something as a group. We are currently looking to bolster our roster to hopefully be able to push into doing some casual mythic progression in 9.1.
Current Progression: 10/10h, 1/10m
Schedule: 8:00-10:30pm eastern Wednesdays and Thursdays
We are currently recruiting:
High Priority: DH/Monk DPS, Lock/Shadow Priest, Tank (non dk preffered)
Medium: Ranged DPS, Warrior/DK/Pally/Rogue DPS, Healers with viable DPS offspec
Low Priority: Tank with viable DPS offspec
If you do not see your spec/class listed still apply. No quality like minded players will be turned away.
Btag: Lukien#1938 or Kernols#1905