Nightswatch is recruiting!
I’m looking to get a small group (8-10) of older professionals that have time on their hands,
and would like to play with a consistent group of people.
The guilds purpose is for the members to have fun.
Instances, questing, alts, achievements, PVP.
I have spent the last 12 years raising my daughter, and now she is graduating (college)
and I both have time and am enjoying the content more than I have in a while.
Most of my toons are on Malfurion, but any of the connected realms are good of course:
Gnomeregan, Moonrunner, Grizzly Hills, Lothar and Trollbane.
If interested, contact Atani or NWboss in game, or kfergason#1513.
If you are in the Houston area, that would be great also…
Thanks for looking!