{A} Night Shift Inc Morning Guild

Looking to raid? Always too many days? To late for me? Work third shift or just a early riser? Well (Night Shift Inc) is focused on Raiders that work every day but still wanna raid.Rather raid early morning? We will be raiding 7:30am est-10:30am est Thursday-Friday. Thats right our plan is to be a casually strict guild.
Requirements: Maintain 90% attendance on primary 25 man raid schedule. Come to raid prepared(Pots, Food, Repaired)
We only want to raid 2 days a week period. Additional days will be voluntary such as kara. Loot method is Planned to be Loot council, This is still subject to change. Ayra and Borrax are long term raid partners and played together for years on retail. Along with raiding mythic content. We currently have full recruitment open need all members. Interested? Fe feel free to message me on battle.net Carelessriot#1577

still looking for more players.

Up and coming war (arms) . Lvl 52, should be in outland this weekend. Those times work perfect for me, night shift worker. JBBQ#1251

Added. You don’t see many raid times that fit into our weird schedules!