[A] Newer-sh Player Looking for Social Guild

I am a relatively newer player looking to join a guild for people to play with. I tried a few websites with no responses and the guild finder but again no responses.

Looking for dungeons, pvp, and willing to learn raids but have never done any.


You have options.

  1. Race change to a dwarf.
  2. Join Clan Battlehammer.
  3. Mission accomplished. Goal achieved.


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Mordain broke things down easier than a pickaxe to stone - cheers lad. Welcome all ye Dwarves to Battlehammer!

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Naw, think I will pass on that dawgs. I like void elf but appreciate it.

I will probably just stop playing the game and uninstall. I have tried getting into this game several times since Legion and have never been able to experience why people like this game so much and I guess it will remain that way.

Wow, I am super sorry Aluwrath. I hope that you are still reading this. The only reason I did not respond earlier to it is that my guild is in a bit of a strange spot and we are only just now getting back into recruit RP nights. I lead 1st Fist of Light, which will be 23 years old next month.

We’re former members of the Scarlet Crusades that saw the evil of the crusade for what it was. We defected to Stormwind and were given Sanctuary by King Wrynn. In turn for this act of grace we took the knee and have fought for the Alliance ever since.

Unlike the Scarlet Crusade, we take in all races and classes. Yes, that means the Scarlets hate us even more given their penchant for racism. If you are still interested 1stfistoflightDOTcom is our Discord. I think the Fist is an easy guild to be in. We take care of everyone, we RP, we do a bit of everything.

What matters most is the person is a good person that we are bringing in. Secondly that they make the effort to RP. That’s super important to us. We’re not elitists either. We aren’t going to judge you in that department.

We will help you and try to point you in the right direction so that you can get a better grasp on RP and feel comfortable and having fun with it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’m always around and genuinely love helping others.

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Find a guild that you enjoy first before you uninstall.

There are two things that keep people playing WoW:

  1. The routine they pursue in the game with their character.

  2. The people they meet and play with along the way.

I would make sure you try doing both of those things before you quit.


That’s one of the things that keeps me logging in every day. The social aspect. I’ve made friends that are outside my guild, and of course, I have my guild. Not to mention their really is a ton that you can do in game. If you have questions or need help please don’t hesitate to ask.