A new Plunderstorm reward is now available - Updated Feb. 12

They’re not going to fix it.

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Yes, but opening a ticket that says “This problem you said was going to be fixed wasn’t fixed” is not spam. And everyone affected doing so is also not spam. Everyone believed up until Tuesday their posted response was going to be accurate and while delayed would fix our problem.

I’m sure they would prefer we all just stop talking about it. And judging by the several people that have posted warnings, their strategy is working. The threat of asking too many questions is real, we get it.

This is the part that you aren’t getting…They close the tickets that are opened. You are forced to mark either Resolved or I still have this issue. If you don’t click the Resolved button they threaten to ban your account. If you click I still have this issue, then they call it spam to punish you. There isn’t much else we can do except complain in this forum which the Blue is now ignoring.

Its not working we are still talking about it, however that is all that can be done. I only posted the warning I got to show that they don’t care about us when there is a legit problem they can’t fix or will take to much time to fix. They will just lie to get the metrics that they are trying to achieve, then tell us to F off and when we don’t they act like we are the issue and not them. Sadly Wowhead has this topic buried instead of pinned even thought their comments are talking about this also. Icy-Veins never discussed this and to my knowledge neither did MMOchampion. Unless those sites are screaming about it blizzard doesn’t care about random forum posters.

No, I very much get that. In fact I’m saying the same thing. And fortunately for Blizzard, they have players willing to be the ones to say “stop talking/asking about it or you might get banned”. And when they tell you to be “patient” when you open a ticket and they don’t do anything you better not follow up.

It’s a shame the biggest sites have let this be buried, that is one of the few recourses we have when Blizzard simply stops responding like they have done here. Blizz is clearly wanting to simply memory hole this one. No response for days when the posted fix isn’t present. No public response acknowledging that. Tickets are being responded with generic “please be patient” responses. And now we have people on the forums posting “friendly” warnings that complaining too much risks banning.

I can’t wrap my head around all the "fixed’ announcements that were anything but fixes. yikes

wait for the next Plunderstorm THIS TIME FOR SURE! :stuck_out_tongue:

2 full days since reset, no fix, no communication.

Is it out yet? I haven’t seen anything

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Yes. You can buy it from the vendor in Dornogal…using the currency that you didn’t receive in the first place.

Probably a pretty good chance that they completely ignore it for the next week. People will forget about it after the patch. It will eventually just get swept under the public memory as just another general bad gameplay experience among hundreds people have had over 20 years and forgotten.

I’m kind of salty I had to play even the hour or two I did of Plunderstorm to get the 5k. I ran around and did PVE stuff until I got murdered. They bait and switched me to be a pincushion for PVP try-hards to make their enjoyment of this poor attempt at a battle royal a little better.



Deflect, deny, deceive

I am so disgusted that I came back and did this stoopid event and even logged into the crappy retail game. I am so glad I canceled my sub months ago and am just waiting on my time to run out. This company is TRASH

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Still no fix for this yet? Acquired twice then needed, and leveled a new toon just to use said reward. Still nothing in my mail :frowning:

9 days left to keep pushing them to reply to this/do something about it, then I guess we just copy/paste the topic ourselves. I suggest continuing submission of bug reports. Just set up a notepad doc with the text to paste straight in and submit it each day until fixed? r/maliciouscompliance

Apparently such tactics are ban-worthy according to multiple posters. Posted at convenient times to this thread I guess because they would prefer us to just shut up about it or else. Yeah, they make a big mistake that affects lots of players, claim multiple times to have fixed it and finally just don’t say anything at all about it hoping to let the clock run out to the new season. But if we complain too loudly or too often we get punished for it, quietly of course.

There is now a quest at the NPC with the items. Completing that quest gave me the currency to buy the items on the vendor. Granted, one of the items bugged out when I mailed it between toons, but that is a separate issue.

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I saw someone mention that on Reddit. Is there anything special you did to have the quest available? Do you remember the name of the quest itself? Still not seeing anything.

I don’t remember the quest name unfortunately, just that it was a yellow exclamation mark above the NPC’s head with the missing currency as the quest rewards. It was probably something Plunderstorm related for the quest name. I checked the NPC while on my way to do something else late last night and saw the quest icon. That’s how I found the quest.

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i dont see a quest at the npc in dorn…

It’s the 21st and still nothing lmao

I don’t see a quest at Da’kash Grimledger on the first toon I tried, but I’ll check a few others just in case. Edit: I don’t see one. But it wouldn’t surprise me if they’re testing a fix on some servers before rolling it out to all? I’m not sure if that’s possible.

went and farmed yet another 5k plunder, checked every character i have just in case the quest only pops up on one-nope. this sucks. oh well