A new Forsaken capital city

I didn’t really mind that though. That was a warfront not a settlement.

Frankly I’d like to revisit the Forsaken colonies in Northrend. The presumed pre-patch Scourge invasions would be a great opportunity to do so. Presumably that’s where the front line action is and the Forsaken are by far the most experienced at fighting them.


Hear me out: in the spirit of cooperation between the two factions Gnomes and Forsaken collaborate on a solution to their respective homes being irradiated/plagued beyond livability and manage to devise an effective cleansing technique and develop a newfound respect for each other. It’s an interaction between two races that otherwise would never speak, it’s not humans and orcs, it shows the Forsaken can use their biological science skills for more than death and it resolves one longstanding world issue.


Maybe not civilian buildings, but after the Arathi warfront where we had Stromgarde and Ar’gorok respectively, I had assumed Darkshore would have a similar setup. I imagined there’d be a new Forsaken town/base where Lor’danel was, and the Night Elves would have rebuilt and fortified Auberdine. Instead we got neither, and just swap Bashal’Aran. I’m still a bit salty over it.


Obligatory Theramore suggestion from me.

Excellent port city with great strategic value, safely nestled deep in Horde territory. Lots of dead people around. Thematic swamp setting.

Derek can be mayor and put in a good word for them with Jaina.


I made the counterpoint to this in the other thread but as a second point wouldn’t a giant arcane hole in the ground make for a pretty poor settlement?

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Warbringers: Jaina makes it seem more like just a magically dusted ruin than a glowing crater now.

Even if it was, they’re already dead. It’s not like they’re gonna get radiation poisoning. The mana is probably good for them or something.

how can forsaken dislike orgrimmar if they cant feel stuff? like hotness and sstuff.

Heat makes dead things rot. Dryness makes dead things stiff.

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How can orgrimmar be hot and such stuff from a geological perspective when there isnt much cold in lordaeron or northern EK (compared to say northrend)

How do you know northern EK isn’t cold? It looks like a pretty forested place to me, I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually was pretty chilly.

Eversong sure looks cold :stuck_out_tongue:

Man. Everyone’s trying to drop the most important city in the setting.
Lordaeron is where the Forsaken belong. Build an actual city above ground. Or, if you have to, build a necropolis above Lordaeron City. Taking the Forsaken out of Tirisfal is like putting night elves in pre cataclysm Undermine.


Isn’t that more towards the middle? I was thinking Hinterlands, Hillsbrad, Tirisfal, Plaguelands and that one between Hillsbrad and Tirisfal whose name I forget.

Yeah, I missed the “northern” part.

It would appear the narrative team literally dropped the rotunda and most of the rest of Undercity beneath a cloud of plague and ruin. I do not blame others for recognizing that.


Undercity isn’t the most important city in the setting. Lordaeron City is.


Tirisfal is described as cold and damp consistently. I don’t make the lore lol

Still don’t see how the House of Plagues angle isn’t painfully obvious

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I always thought the Ruins of Alterac would make for a cool location for them to base themselves out of. Turn it into a mountain fortress city.
Stratholme probably makes more sense in that it’s not abutting three Alliance fiefdoms, but it seems so irrelevant, tucked into the corner of Lordaeron as it is.

Strath makes sense but really, after revisiting it in Classic so I know it’s not just nostalgia talking, it’s the best horror dungeon in WoW.

The burning streets filled with ravenous dead remind me of Resident Evil 2, and like that game I think it’s better suited for a REmake than just becoming a city again. Personally I’d just want it to be accessible in portions in the overworld like Dire Maul.

Even Classic didn’t capture it’s vibe as countless veterans and online guides exist. The mystery and horror of wandering through a city home to only the damned was lost.

But my dream for the place isn’t for it to be just a Forsaken hangout. I want it to be an eternal bastion of the Scourge. Always burning but never destroyed.

The logistics of the city have never been defined. So, I’d make it a constant twisting nightmare where no two playthroughs are exactly alike as the angry dead who inhabit it twist perceptions and dead end allys lead to whole different parts of the city when you turn around.

I’ve liked a lot of changes to modern WoW. But dungeons turning into time trials rather than lore heavy adventures where you can easily become lost is my least favorite.

I know most of that’s due to internet culture. But I’d like Strath to maybe be ground zero for that gameplay styles rebirth. Make it like 10 possible zones and boss fights and randomize it. Have the dark magic cancel out stuff like mage food or buffs the deeper you go. Make it feel like you’re wandering into an eternal apocalypse again.


Eversong was basically terraformed by the High Elves in the ancient past. If you want to see what it naturally looks like, go to the Amani camps along the eastern edge of the zone.