The Swine a tool of learning.,
In the times we live in arming our selves
with knowledge that our loved ones
need us even them us dead ones (exiled)
must care for those we can’t help reach.,
Sex might be a weapon but it’s a double edged or double pointed sword. Since they are a predominantly female race of chaotic evil Omnivores that start life the size of piglets and grow as they damn themselves by eating souls growing to the size of buildings after 100"s k’s of souls there wards and keepers undead with souls care for them and handle collateral damage in a war to kill all dragons. Tas the inFathomable Dominator of Orcus and his wand Creator of the swine a mixed race as he was a mix of too races.Predominately female the swine use Use any means to get what want Taking another females place After either causing the rift in the relationship or Some other type of machination to win over the family or insert herself into relationships and Exert her will over her competition ether way they all end up undead or food even the young Being so evil that they can’t stand the company of others or themselves they find themselves at home amongst the undead Undead with souls in particular as that is their diet of choice.