Like awesome people? Nefarious Intent is a casual-progression guild based on Pagle-Alliance, that enjoys all aspects of Classic. We raid, we PvP, we dungeon dive, we level alts (so many alts…), basically if there’s an activity you can think of, we probably have someone in guild doing it.
All peoples are welcomed into our community (even gnomes) and we encourage all members to join in our fun. While we all enjoy good times and laughter, our community is also interested in striking a balance between having a great time playing the game we love and getting some serious progression in raids.
Our raid team has cleared MC, Onyxia, and BWL. We currently clear BWL Wednesday evening and clear MC/Ony on Monday, an additional raid night (tbd) could be added for future 20m content. At this time, we are looking to add more like minded people who also want to kill internet dragons!
RAID TIMES (Pagle is an East Coast server raid times reflect that)
Wednesday: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Monday: 7:30pm - 10:30pm
Invites start at 7pm with first pull at 7:30pm.
We use a modified Suicide Kings for all cross gear items and weapons promoting a fair distribution to everyone in the raid team. Class Leads determine how Tier pieces will be distributed among each class.
• Discord – all members should have a working knowledge of Discord. You do not need a working mic, but are required to be present in Discord to at least listen to the raid leader. You are responsible for checking your channels regularly and we encourage you to participate in discussions.
• We expect our raiders to be prepared for each raid – knowledge of their class and spec, read posted strats, ask questions, come to raid with the appropriate consumables and reagents.
• Deadly Boss Mods
Note: If Deadly Boss Mods does not work for a specific fight, then it is highly encouraged to install Weak Auras 2 and find an appropriate WA for it. There is typically a 2-4 week lag for DBM to catch up after an instance is released.
• Classic Weak Auras
• Tem’s Blackwing Layer WA Pack
• Threat Meter (Choose One):
• Details
• ThreatClassic2
• Classic Loot Assistant
• HEALERS/TANKS (Choose One):
Use HealCommClassic if you don’t have a UI Mod:
i) HealCommClassic
These UI Mods all have LibHealComm-4.0 Compatible UnitFrames
ii) LunaUnitFrames
iii) TukUI
iv) ElvUI
v) VuhDo
We are always looking for skilled players and awesome people to raid and hang out with us. We are currently prioritizing the recruitment of:
1 Resto druid
1 Holy Paladin
2 Holy Priest (preference to dwarves)
Feel free to contact me directly for our Discord link - we look forward to chatting with you soon!