[A] Need Shaman OR Prot Pally for dedicated 10-Man Wrath Team

Hi All!

A group led by 6/6 Sunwell raiders will be hosting a dedicated 10-man wrath team. We are a skilled, but chill group of people who just enjoy each other’s company while we steamroll content. You may be a fit, if you:

-Are a Prot Pally or Shaman (Ele preferred but will consider exceptional others)
-Know your stuff and can make the team your top priority for the entirety of Wrath
-Like a no-drama MS > OS (just don’t be a jerk) loot system
-Plan to be a Heroic raider and ready to raid ASAP after launch
-Can be available each and every week according to the following schedule:
Tuesday 830 to 1100 EST (server)
Wednesday 900 to 1100 EST (server)

Just send me a reply if the above looks like you and the team would love to meet you.



Ele shaman here with availability and will be ready by first week wrath is open.