Greetings traveler!
Naughty by Nature is a newly form guild looking to fill out a 2nd Kara 10m team and start building a solid 25m team. Currently 10/11, leadership is 11/11 and 2/2. We are currently in need of 2-3 none priest healers and some DPS.
We are a bit behind but our intention is building a solid 25man roster and having a lot of fun in SSC and TK.
Raid times are Tues/Thurs 7-10 ST.
PM Me on Discord Darkdaddy#4575
or in game Darkdaddy#1671
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Bump, we got Gruul down last week with a few pugs, would like to still pick up 2-3 none priest healers and some melee/ranged DPS.
BUMP: Currently 4/6 SSC and 2/4 TK. SSC is on Tuesday and TK is on Thursday. Currently Recruiting the following:
Any non druid healer
Any Shaman
Also looking for DPS players who may not want to raid every week but would like to fill in every now and then.
PM Me on Discord Darkdaddy#4575
or in game Darkdaddy#1671
BUMP: Currently 5/6 SSC and 3/4 TK. SSC is on Tuesday and TK is on Thursday. Currently Recruiting the following:
Any healer
Range DPS Mage/Warlock
Also looking for players who may not want to raid every week but would like to fill in every now and then.
PM Me on Discord Darkdaddy#4575
or in game Darkdaddy#1671
Bump, High need for Spreist, mage and resto druid.