A nation united help

I thought i had all the requirements done for the kul tiran unlock but I was wrong. How does one get this quest? Ive tried looking on wowhead and its not much help. I have all the other requirements done just not this, help is appreciated :slight_smile:

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You have to complete every quest in Tirasgarde Sound, Drustvar, and Stormsong Valley. Not sure if that is just the main chains or every side quest. Iā€™ve done them all except the quests in Anyport.

To get the actual achievement, you need to run the Mythic dungeon in Boralus.

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I have the acheive from each zone just not that part of it but i have pathfinder as well just missing a nation united

When you go into your map and click on a zone to the right there is a thing that says ā€œInsert zone name here 0/7ā€ with the 7 or whatever number it says representing the major quest chains in that area. You need to complete every main quest line in the zone which are represented by the orange exclamation marks on the full map. Once you do that you can begin the nation united quest chain which eventually ends with you attending a meeting in Boralus and completing siege of Boralus on Mythic difficulty.

Need Loremaster -

A list of the entire A Nation United Chain:

I have loremaster

Have you done Siege of Boralus? That was the part I was missing. It is available as heroic now, so you can queue for it.


Then the first link should tell you how to pick up the first quest in the chain. You get it from the Harbormasterā€™s office.

Blizzard conveniently forgot to tell all who want KTs that even if you completed the requirements that show on your character creation page for making a Kul Tiran you ALSO have to go to Stormwind and complete a little boring long quest chain. It starts in the emissary building. Why you are not told you also need to complete this is a mistery to me and meant I wasted 30 minutes yesterday trying to figure out why after having completed all requirements I could not find the quest starter

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Im missing siege ill queue for it and get it done thanks all

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Umm thats a standard thing for all allied races. Its even listed in the achievement ingame.


That is cool to know. Most of the guides would have been written before that change.

Sounds like another Allied Race Iā€™ll never be able to create since I seldom do any dungeons.


Iā€™m not thrilled about this either. I rarely run dungeon content but have played for a decade. Blah blah, used to raid in WotLK. Not so much since. I do enjoy the story and have multiple 120ā€™s horde and alliance. Getting my Zandalari Trolls was easy.

I tried to queue Tuesday night but the waits seemed long and I couldnā€™t dedicate the time. Waited for the weekend, queued for 30 minutes to get this. Downed first boss and was 2nd person removed from the group. Iā€™m guessing I wasnā€™t putting out enough DPS. My iLvl is 378 so I should be OK for a Heroic on that front. Blah, blah, just isnā€™t like the old days. Thatā€™s one of the reasons I rarely PUG. It doesnā€™t seem like Iā€™m playing the game as much as Iā€™m just suffering through other players.

Honestly I want the Kul Tiran so I guess Iā€™ll have to set aside some real time to queue, re-queue, etc. and just keep running this one instance until I know enough to satisfy the fickle whims of people that have likely run it 10+ times.

It will get done, but itā€™s not fun already and hardly what I want from a game. The net result will probably be that Iā€™m even less likely to do LFG runs in the future.

/complaint hat off

I will confirm that the quest comes after completing Siege of Boralus, and that the dungeon can be now done in Heroic. Itā€™s much much less stressful than Mythic.

There is no breadcrumb quest, but then youā€™ll find a quest at the Stormwind Allied Race Embassy that starts off a shipwright quest chain back in Kul Tiras.

this forum post comes up when googling for help, btw


If anyone is still having trouble with this I can confirm Cyrus holding the quest with Gene Greyman will hold off ā€œ a nation Unitedā€ from queuing. Run it, port back, and see if heā€™s in the harbor masters! Hope this helps.

This is giving me such a headache! I canā€™t get ā€˜A Nation Unitedā€™ for the life of me! I did the Loremaster portion, as well is the Pride of Kul Tiras. I just finished Siege of Boralus in Mythic with my kids and have the achievement for that dungeon. Iā€™ve done everything Iā€™ve read needs to be done and there is nothing anywhere for me to pick up or follow! Iā€™ve submitted a ticket only to get a response that I should try WoWhead or any online search. Please, help! Trying to unlock Kul Tirans and this is the last thing I need! They need to make ā€œA Nation Unitedā€ listed with more details in the Achievements and get rid of all this confusion. Please, please help!!! Thank you!!!