Once again having troubles coming up with a decent name, turning to here for suggestions, may or may not regret it.
So to start off, she is going to be a Fury Warrior, maybe Protection, and she will be using maces, so any suggestions for names relating to any of those would be great! I’ve been hoping the name could include hammer in it… but all the good ones seem to be unavailable… so yeah… lol
Three things, one; lol, two; I’d rather not include the word Gnome in the name, not really wanting a pun for a name, and three; even if I did… I’m pretty sure I know 100% it’s taken on my realm. xD
Hida - means warrior
Lovisa - means fighter
Maori - means brave warrior
Serilda - means armored battle maiden
Xandra - defender of man
Zandra - defender of mankind