[A]<Mythically Mediocre>LF Raiders (4/9 M Dazar'alor), M+, and New Friends


- Still recruiting raiders - casual or mythic. Heavy preference given to ranged DPS and non-druid healers with a flex DPS spec.

(Updated 03/23/2019)

<Mythically Mediocre> is recruiting active players for guild events. We have multiple raid groups and M+ nights. Our event lineup is as follows:

M+ is a daily occurrence in guild, so those who enjoy M+ are highly encouraged to join even if they do not raid. On key nights we have been fortunate to run 5-7 M+ teams simultaneously, and the focus is getting as many guildies as possible their +10 for the week. High key pushes typically happen on the "off" key nights or after the bulk of our players complete their weekly +10. Schedule: Monday/Wednesday starting at 8 p.m. server.

Raid Team 1 - 4/9 M Dazar’alor: Team 1 practices an open mythic roster. We bring the best group comp to progress per boss and rotate others in once the boss is on farm. This allows us to have a wide range of mythic geared players to avoid having to cancel raid due to attendance if people are out or need a break. Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday from 8-11 p.m. server

Raid Team 2 - 2/9 M Dazar’alor: Team 2 focuses on AOTC and casual mythic progression. This team may flex members into Team 1 depending on needs on specific bosses. Schedule: Wednesday/Thursday from 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. server.

Guild members are free to create events. We have a large roster of active players and average between 20-50 players a night during the week with an active guild chat. Don’t be intimidated by our size; our guildies are very helpful.

BFA Season 1 Accomplishments:
6/8 M Uldir
Many 1200+ M+ players
RBG Players 1800-1900 CR

Legion Accomplishments:
5/9 Mythic ToS
6/11 Mythic Antorus
Mythic keystones in the mid-20s
Multiple 2k arena players

And as a dedicated member of Emerald Dream I’d love to tell you all our RP backstory, but it’s a wee bit too raunchy for these delicate forums. Of course the story begins in Goldshire…

If interested, add me on bnet - Tikkun#1665. Bnet messages go straight to my phone, so I’m pretty quick on the response.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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We’re still recruiting!

Not in this guild but anytime I see these guys out in the world WPvPing it’s a fun time and they don’t do the spam emotes or gross behavior, which is awesome!


Thanks Cari! We keep the gross behavior in guild chat. XD

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I’m very interested in trying your guild out to see if it is a fit for my play style and time … I would more than likely not be interested in your raid team 1 but splitting time with raid team 2 and the casual team seems interesting enough … I’m a light RPer … I’m BM Hunter and will always only be interested playing that class fantasy unless some new class eventually rolls around that steals my heart from BM …

I cannot actually join for about 11 more days as I’m only grinding rep at the moment full time for void elf ( my god it’s boring as heck ) and then sometime around patch day I should be finished and able to roll my new main … a void elf BM.

I will be starting it at level 20 for the benefits from leveling one from 20-120

I plan on enjoying the leveling process and not rushing it … therefore it may be a bit before I can contribute to the end game for the guild

I’m an old gamer at 47 years old heh been playing MMO’s since meridian and MUDS before that

I enjoy questing - fishing - cooking - gathering skills - light RP - dungeons - raids - pvp and wpvp - mythics up to about level 10 after that not really my scene … in about that order as well

Would you be interested in a member like me if so I would be down for a trial period to see if your guild fits me and visa versa … when I get my void elf rolled

I have 5 accounts as I used to multi box …but will just be playing the one void elf BM char mainly with this expansion

Hey! Our guild has a variety of players from casual to semi-hardcore. We’re happy to take ya along if you want to try us out. Message me in game - Tikkun#1665.

Have about 9 -10 more days before I can make a void elf to start leveling it … but will do as soon as I can actually start playing main for BFA

Sounds great! I look forward to meeting you. :smile:

Happy holidays everyone! Still looking for more for next tier.

Great work killing Fetid this week guildies! Still recruiting for next tier and to keep filling events through the end of this tier.

Still looking for more? I would love to get back into an active guild.

We are looking for more! Send me a btag invite and I can chat with you a bit to see if we’re what you’re looking for - Tikkun#1665. :grin:

Also, great work on our first night of mythic Zul prog everyone!

Still looking for more, feel free to contact or harass Tikkun#1665.

Kinda in a short of Priest too.

Still interested in recruiting or is closed for next tier?
Would be bringing Holy Priest and Ret/Holy pally. Not a badass on either one, but looking for a new home.


Still recruiting - I’ll try to catch you in-game. :smile:

Great first day of the tier everyone - 4/9 H on the first night!