[A] Modan Co VIII: Mo Relics, Mo Problems

You guys sound like a real cool crew, I’ll be looking to speak with an officer some time to arrange an interview.

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blows dust off thread
Woah, hey. Been a sec in here, but things have continued to be poppin’ in-game!

Things are going well! We’re actually headed to the Storm Peaks on an extended expedition next month.

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I like Modan Co guild. Good guild.


Storm Peaks ahoy!

We made camp at Frosthold, met the locals, and also found our friendly Vrykul who will be assisting us for the month! We’re staying warm and getting up to some searching for Titan artifacts. It also looks like we’ll be checking into some Taunka stuff, which should be really neat.

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Taunka? Taunka trucks…

Had a lot of great roleplaying in the Storm Peaks so far. We’ve investigated Taunka burial grounds where there was something strange in the neighborhood, done our research on a Titan-esque amber artifact, and had a number of Vrykul interactions in the frozen north!

Dane put paprika on a pecan pie, and affronted a skunk. Shame…

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Yo, updating this! We’ve only been in the Storm Peaks for a little half of a short month, and we’ve had a lot of stuff going on. Here are some more updates!

  • Negotiated with Nerubians? I think they offered up some spider artifacts.
  • Mayhem with Mimics - we brought back our favorite walking chests for further research into what made them tick.
  • Jinkies! We aided our old pals Hillbillidan and Gul’daniel in dealing with a troublesome demon in exchange for its enchanted bow.
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