Looking for a few exceptional people for Splits.
Looking for a few good players to add to our community!
<(’ ’ <) Come see what the fuss is about?! (>’ ’ )>
Still room for ~1-3 people who could use a little Mischief in their lives.
I am interested, but before I transfer, would it be okay if I level a new character in your guild to see if we are a good fit?
Sure, that’s fine by us Ezridax - You’re welcome to Join the guild / Discord - Just send a message to someone in guild and we’ll toss you an invite.
Still looking to fill a few spots. Inquire within!
Thanks all for the inquiries and applications.
Core spots are currently full, please feel free to reach out however if you’re interested regardless of raid spot availability. <3
Core Spots now available for:
Fury Warrior
Rogue or Feral Druid
Updated Core Spot availability:
Holy Paladin
Beep Boop - C’Thun down!
Come join the only guild to watch every Fast and the Furious movie in one sitting.
You’re missing out on the party! Come on by.
Seriously great guild. Many laughs and good progression. You won’t be disappointed.
To the top!
New Openings Above!
9/9 woo - Come on down Resto Druid!
Lookin for some fresh faces!
Hi Mischief,
Are you still recruiting a Holy Paladin? I ran some with your guild the last few weeks and I’m very interested.
Thanks for your time.